She was named a Queens College Scholar for her academic achievements.


She earned a master of science degree in chemistry in 1943 from New York University.


In 1948 she became the first African American woman to earn a Ph.D. in chemistry.


Research assistant at the Rockefeller Institute from 1951-1955.


Appointed Assistant Professer and Associate Professer of Biochemistryand Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva College.


Hearth Assosiation and Health Research Council of New York.


In 1988 Daly started a scholarship fund at Queens College in memory of her parents. The scholorshiup fund was for minors in physics and chemistry.



Serverd as an instructor in Physical Science at Howard University between 1947-1947.



By 1955 Marie had become an associate in biochemistry at the Columbia University Research Service at the Goldwater Memorial Hospital.  


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